Let's Talk

"From word-of-mouth recommendations to online reviews, there’s a real buzz about The Trichology Company Med Salon. Begin your journey by filling out the form below, to join our Certified Trichologist, HLP, for your in office consultation. "

In-Office Consultation

It is highly recommended that you schedule an in-depth in-office consultation. During this consultation, we will evaluate your diet, family history, and a digital microscope will be used to examine your scalp. Blood type screening and nutrition consultation may be advised, therefore we strongly recommend you bring a list of all of the medications you are taking as well as the results of any recent blood test. Your consultation will cost $100 and will last up to 1 hour. 

Following your consultation, digital copies of our scope analysis will be emailed to you and a customized treatment plan will be designed along with a quote for those services. Our two-fold holistic treatment plan may consist of diet regimens as well as in-salon or at-home therapy treatments designed to regenerate cells to promote hair growth and regain a healthy scalp. 

We cannot accept insurance at this time, however, depending on the recommended treatment payment plans may be available. 

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Thank you for contacting us. A member of our staff will contact you to schedule your in-depth in-office consultation.

Contact Us

Telephone: +1 919 349 1679

E-mail: info@ttcmedspa.com

Address: 312 W. Millbrook Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609